UK Payroll Deadline Dates

 UK Payroll Deadline Dates

The payroll deadline dates you need to be aware of for the next few weeks:

19th June 2024
Deadline date for payment of PAYE Tax and National Insurance to HMRC Accounts Office by non-electronic method for month 2

22st June 2024
Deadline date for payment of PAYE Tax and National Insurance to HMRC Accounts Office by electronic method for month 2

6th July 2024
Completed P11D and P11D(b) for 2023-2024 to arrive with HMRC.

19th July 2024
Deadline date for payment of PAYE Tax and National Insurance to HMRC Accounts Office by non-electronic method for month 3
Deadline date for payment of Class 1A NICs for 2023-2024 if paying by post.

22nd July 2024
Deadline date for payment of PAYE Tax and National Insurance to HMRC Accounts Office by non-electronic method for month 3
Deadline date for payment of Class 1A NICs for 2023-2024 if paying electronically.

If you pay late, interest will be charged and you may have to pay a late payment penalty. Please ensure you use the correct reference that applies to the tax year and month your payment relates to.